Secret WhatsApp tricks you probably didn't know

Did you know WhatsApp has over 1 billion active users, but not all of them are curious enough to explore all the features that the app has offer. In fact, many users are just happy with sending and responding to messages on WhatsApp.

From disabling the blue ticks to reading messages without going online, there are plenty of not-so-obvious tricks that you can learn to make your favourite app more useful than ever.

Be sure to know, that these tricks will most definitely turn you into a messaging pro.
  1. Change Fonts

  2. You wouldn’t believe this but WhatsApp comes along with a few editing options. You can actually make text bold, add italics, or strike through. All you have to do is:
    1. For bold, you just have to place an asterisk (*) at the starting and ending of a word to make it appear bold.
    2. For italics, the process is similar but you have to place an underscore (_) in place of asterisk.
    3. For strikethrough, users need to add (~) at the beginning and end of the word.
  3. Read a message without going online
  4. As sneaky as that sounds, you can actually get away with this! Yes, there’s a way for that and it’s very easy. So after the message has arrived, simply turn off mobile data or turn on airplane mode on your device and then, open WhatsApp and see the message.
    Once you’re done, come back to the homescreen and turn on your mobile data. Yup! The trick is in details!

  5. How to know when someone has read your message
  6. Here’s how you do this, just go to the conversation and keep the message pressed for few seconds. You can see an i symbol on the top. What you need to do is to click on that symbol. Once you do that, you will be able to see the time when your message was delivered and read.
    In Group chat
  7. Turn off blue ticks

  8. Ever since the concept of blue trick came in play they have been nothing but the cause for some serious fights. If you are wondering how to turn off the blue tricks, its really easy.
    What you can do is to go to Settings->Account->Privacy. In the Privacy page, you will find a toggle to turn off “Read Receipts“.
  9. Send all your conversation to your email

  10. Most of us wanted to view media and chats on their computer, but what we don’t know is that this is actually possible. All you need to do is to just go to WhatsApp and click on conversation that you want on mail click on three vertical dot button > more > Email Chat. A pop up menu will appear then you need to click on email conversation.
  11. Hide your profile picture, Status and Last seen from others

  12. Most of people don’t know and don’t care for this useful settings. But in case you want to know, you can actually hide profile picture from public view.
    What you need to do is to first click on 3 vertical dots on home screen of WhatsApp. Then you need to Go to settings > Account > Privacy > Profile photo, Status and Last seen or Choose your privacy.
